Woop Woop Bear

Woop Woop Bear


The TRUE Story of a scruffy old Bear who refuses to be left on the shelf.

Woop Woop Bear interviewed by Portsmouth News April 2005

Woop Woop Bear interviewed by Portsmouth News April 2005

The Extraordinary Adventures of Woop Woop The Amazing Globe Trotting Bear

April 2005 Sally lists Woop Woop on Ebay for 1p and writes: 

Woop Woop Bear is stressed, bored and needs a Holiday!

He wants to travel the world before he gets too old.
Woop Woop bear would love to meet new people, see new sights and have lots of exciting experiences. 

Can you offer Woop Woop a Holiday? Nice, kind, loving people are wanted to give Woop Woop the best adventure of his life! He would like people to bid on him, give him a great holiday then to relist him on Ebay for his next experience so he can carry on his travels. 

Woop Woop really wants to travel for about a year and the return back to be with his owner Kylie in England who has loved him for over 20years. Then his ambition is to write a book and have a website to tell others about the people he met and his travel experiences. 

Conditions of bidding are that you are nice and loving. You will help keep Woop Woop safe for Kylie. Write at least 1 postcard and 1 email to send back to his home in to the UK, take him to as many interesting places as possible (he likes adventure & socialising). Oh, and if you know anyone famous Woop Woop would love to meet them as he is a bit of a luvy. Take plenty of photo’s for him to use. Relist him on Ebay so he has a minimum of 3 days & maximum of 10 days holiday with you. Then whoever is looking after him in May 2006 to return Woop Woop safely back to his home in the UK. 

Any money you make on relisting him on Ebay you keep to help you pay for his board and lodgings or any new clothes you want to give him. 

Woop Woop Bear has his own passport and will come BEARing a mystery welcome gift as a thank you for letting come and stay with you. 

So if you can help Woop Woop with is travels and would like to be a part of ’The Extraordinary Adventures of Woop Woop Bear’ please bid now and make a small old grumpy bear very happy!

 P.S. He's very well behaved, although a bit paranoid about his looks as he feels he's getting old, so please be kind to him.

Woop Woop's Ripple Effect

Within hours Woop Woop had his first eBay bid of 1p, his story had been picked up and broadcast on the local radio station Wave105 Radio that same afternoon. The following day The Portsmouth News got in touch saying they’d like to send a reporter round to interview this brave adventurous little bear. In the meantime the bids were coming in penny by penny and Woop Woop started getting messages from well wishes. The little bear was in shock, he’d never expected that!   

Sugar Pops in Walnut Creek, California, USA was Woop Woop’s first lucky winner with a bid of £17.00 

Woop Woop watches as people bid from him on ebay

Woop Woop watches as people bid from him on ebay

Woop Woop's Amazing Adventures

Here’s just some of the highlights of what Woop Woop did on his adventures:

  • Made friends with the late great Sir Norman Wisdom 
  • Was the Be(ar)st Man at a wedding in the Nevada Dessert. 
  • Made Woop Woop Wine with Ben Riggs in Australia. 
  • Guest starred with bands Three Quarters Hazel & Splendid Eddie.
  • Met Paul Martin, Antiques Expert & TV personality. 
  • Had fun with Danny Wallace, writer, TV Personality & the King of Lovely. 
  • Flew an aeroplane
  • Spent Christmas in Lapland helping the real Father Christmas. 
  • Saw the Northern Lights
  • Almost became a Conker Champion
  • Became a DJ at Bojangles night club in Alice Springs Australia. 
  • Got arrested and Jailed at Alice Springs, Australia…Wooops! 
  • Visited Sandringham the country retreat of the Queen. 
  • Went Skiing in New Zealand.
  • Made lots of friends at The Burning Man Project in Navada, USA
  • Got media attention & was interviewed on Wave105fm Radio. 
  • Has his very own pop song produced by Mouse Studios
  • Generally had the time of his life
  • and much much more. 

Follow Woop Woop’s latest adventures

What will this little chap be getting up to next? Would you like to become part of his adventures?

Join him at Woop Woop @woopwoopbear on 

