Woop Woop Bear

Woop Woop Bear


Sir Norman Wisdom OBE 1915 -2010

In Loving Memory of Sir Norman Wisdom, OBE: A True Friend and a Legendary Laugh-Maker 🌟

Sir Norman Wisdom, OBE

Sir Norman Wisdom, OBE

Oh, how Woop Woop, the adventurous teddy bear, fondly remembers the delightful moments shared with the late Sir Norman Wisdom, OBE. It was a friendship that blossomed unexpectedly, all thanks to the introduction made by his dear friend and lookalike, Glenn Ford.

Glenn Ford, a remarkable individual who shared an uncanny resemblance to Sir Norman, saw the potential for a magical connection between Woop Woop and the comedic genius. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Glenn orchestrated a meeting that would forever change the course of Woop Woop's journey.

As the curtains lifted and the laughter filled the room, Woop Woop found himself face to face with Sir Norman. The joy was palpable, and their friendship took flight amidst the echoes of their shared laughter. From that moment on, a bond was forged that transcended the boundaries of plush toys and human beings.

In the presence of Sir Norman, Woop Woop discovered a mentor and a kindred spirit. They would exchange tales of comedic mishaps and daring adventures. With each passing moment, the laughter they shared grew stronger, filling the air with an infectious energy that touched the hearts of all those fortunate enough to witness their playful camaraderie.

Sir Norman's legacy as a master of laughter and a beloved entertainer was a guiding light for both Woop Woop and Glenn. Their friendship was a testament to the enduring power of laughter and its ability to bridge the gap between generations and species. The joy they experienced in each other's company became a source of inspiration for Woop Woop's entrepreneurial journey.

Though Sir Norman has bid us farewell, his spirit lives on in the memories he created and the laughter he shared. Woop Woop and Glenn carry those memories close to their hearts, honoring Sir Norman's legacy by spreading laughter and joy wherever they go.

The impact of that fateful meeting continues to shape Woop Woop's outlook, reminding him of the immense power of laughter to uplift spirits, forge connections, and bring happiness into the lives of others.

As Woop Woop moves forward, he does so with gratitude for the friendship he shared with Sir Norman and the influence it had on his entrepreneurial spirit. Through their laughter-filled adventures, they demonstrated the incredible value of finding joy in life's simplest moments and sharing that joy with the world.

Rest in peace, dear Sir Norman Wisdom. Your laughter will forever resonate in our hearts, and your spirit will continue to inspire us to find laughter in the face of life's challenges.

With heartfelt gratitude and a twinkle in his eye,

Woop Woop 🌟🐻

What’s The Point?

What’s the Point of getting old

if you’re never brave

if you’re never bold

What’s the point if you don’t take a chance

if you never laugh

if you never dance? 

Woop! Woop! 
