Woop Woop Bear

Woop Woop Bear


Where am I? What’s going on? 

Long Hibernation or a Time-slip?

Woop Woop wakes up to discover 15yrs have passed.

Woop Woop wakes up to discover 15yrs have passed.

Much to his confusion Woop Woop bear’s just woken up to discover it’s 1st March 2022, this may not sound so strange until you realise this once celebrity bear had settled down for a nap 15yrs ago, back in the year 2007! Has this little chap been in a long hibernation or has some kind of time-slip occurred?

Trying to make sense of the World

Woop Woop discovered the World has changed so much since 2007. There has been a terrible virus sweeping the Earth, which meant Countries had gne into lockdown. Now that things looked like they're getting better it looks like a War is happening. Woop Woop gazes out a window only to see rain and thick grey misty skies. What has happened to the world and where are all his wonderful friends? 
Woop Woop looks out the window into the misty white rain

Woop Woop looks out the window into the misty white rain
